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V conferencia descentralizada

Conferencia Descentralizada 5 Hélices para el Desarrollo Sostenible – Callao, en la UNAC, bajo el lema ‘Industrializar para triunfar en el mundo’.

Industrialización y Sostenibilidad en Acción.

La Conferencia Descentralizada 5 Hélices para el Desarrollo Sostenible – Callao, realizada el 7 de septiembre en la Universidad Nacional del Callao (UNAC), reunió a destacados líderes académicos, empresariales y del sector público. Bajo el lema “Industrializar para triunfar en el mundo”, el evento abordó temas clave como la sostenibilidad, la innovación tecnológica y el crecimiento económico en la región. Expertos compartieron sus perspectivas sobre la infraestructura portuaria y aeroportuaria, la investigación en hidrógeno verde, y las oportunidades para el desarrollo futuro del Callao, entre otros.

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[Orador 1]
Good morning to all of you. First of all, distinguished rectors who are with us today, Dr.
Alfonso, for the public’s knowledge, Dr. Alfonso, who has graduated from this university.
His alma mater, graduated from the Faculty of Economics.
Dr. Américo Parr, rector of La Molina, concerned about being in this meeting. Likewise,
on behalf of the mayors, we are fortunate to have Mayor de la Perla, we are fortunate to
have the deans of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Dr. Mendez, we
have the dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Dr. Víctor Mónica, Dr. Fernando
Aleguye, the director of the school of Poblado. Visitors, yesterday we were fortunate to
have at the University of China, the person of the academic vice-rector, who was at our
Distinguished representatives, not only of the local governments, but regional ones, civil
society, companies, and all of you. The national university, like Callao, La Molina, we are
national public universities, this event is being held. If you are, we are, every year,
concerned, not only at the level of Callao, perhaps at this time, Callao is a strategic area.
Look, not only China is present now in Callao, next week we are welcoming Korea, and so
we will probably be welcoming the whole world. This space that we have today, thank
you, thank you very much. That is, graduated from this university, and probably could
have been graduated from any other university, but we were lucky enough to be at
Why? Because we are demonstrating to the city, not only to Callao, but to Peru and the
world, that we are not only training professionals, we are not training scientists, we are
training leaders. And the leaders, we have to generate changes.
And to generate changes, we have to have these spaces, where dialogue prevails,
solutions prevail, challenges prevail. And we can say, the academy, that many do not
know them. I have a lot of concern, because at the national level, the Peruvian university
system every time the nationals take away more budget, budget, budget.
But if they demand quality from us, there is no quality. In that, we agree with the rectors,
that is why we have these challenges. And the academy has to be present.
Universities have to have representation, not only where the laws give, but we have to
have representation at the regional level, at the country level. And why not? Like
yesterday, the Chinese Technological University gave us a lot of satisfaction, that comes
to Peru, chooses Callao, and they are going to invest in public universities.
And perhaps the best investment they are going to make, as it was said yesterday, that
it can be extensive for all public universities in the country, is that the way to have these
spaces, the way to communicate, they do not speak Spanish, they do not speak, and it is
difficult for them. For us it is also difficult. Only yesterday I learned to say health, only
one word in Chinese.
They now have the commitment that they are going to implement, in the center of
languages, Chinese, for access to all the population of Latin America and the world. Who
is going to benefit? Callao.
That’s why I, Senators, Governors, Mayors, Citizens, Civil Society, Academia, we have to
have these spaces. I thank Dr. Alfonso López Chao. For us it is a pride, for me particularly
as a representative of the university, that they come to Callao.
They, in this space, allow us to pose challenges, because we all deserve a sustainable
development. Not only international conferences, but all of us, citizens, we need wellbeing, we need quality of life. The years are going to pass, our descendants, call them
grandchildren, what are we going to leave them?
If we know that there will be no water, there will be no food. Pachacuti, Ventanilla, are
areas of extreme poverty. I give you the most cordial welcome, but I would like you to
consider the academy in all the proposals.
And not only to consider the academy in the proposals, but the academy, it is time to
represent us in all the instances of governments, national, regional and local. Welcome
Dr. Alfonso.


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